Oregon judge: Upskirt photos of teen not illegal

by konkon

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@mikehunt2689 09/20/2024 - 5:40 AM

What they aren't telling you, is that her skirt was so short that even the Target store security cameras caught images of her panties. Therefore, if this guy violated the law, then so did every security camera this girl came in view of… Judge Butterfield followed the law, because if girls are going to make their undergarments publicly viewable, then they don't have the right to complain when those same undergarments are, then, photographed. Really, isn't it time to start taking personal responsibility for your children's provocative clothing. This father is so outraged in court, but why wasn't he outraged the day his daughter bought and began wearing a skirt so short that her panties were easily seen by the general population. Be a father, not a best friend and tell your daughter to put on something more appropriate for a 13 year old. Otherwise, plan on guys (creepy or not) being able to see and photograph her clearly viewable lingerie….

@AusDenBergen 09/20/2024 - 5:40 AM

Why are you letting your 13yo wear a skirt soo short that it's that easy to snap pics under them? You deserve it for letting your 13yo KID dress like a skank.


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